The BID is on a downward slippery slope paying for Council services.


BID's try to convince voters to vote YES by saying no existing council services to a BID area are at risk. This is simply a lie, it's a promise that can't be kept.

As British BID say themselves: "Baseline statements have no legal binding force but are useful statements of intent".

Worthless agreements then, and just look at the evidence of how worthless they are. The National BIDs Survey 2019 confirmed that:

• Only 27% of BIDs felt that baseline statements are still being adhered to.

• 18% of BID's admitted to considering transfer of services from the public sector to their BID for things like Christmas lights, hanging baskets, street cleaning, graffiti removal, public toilets, marketing and events.

How much more proof does one need, to see that voting in a BID is the start of the slippery slope for the loss and/or privatisation of council services in a BID area, paid for through the BID tax.

We have already seen The Clock Tower being cleaned and the surrounding areas having had the chewing gum removed, all at the cost of the BID.

The Clock Tower is the responsibility of the Council, NOT the BID, the cost of maintenance should be paid for by the Council, NOT the BID.

Think carefully next time round before putting a tick in the box !!


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Against BID