BID ballot’s are not a fair fight and set up in favour of a YES vote.

BID’s are not truly democratic, they are central government and local authority backed business rate schemes they want forced in at any cost. The whole BID development and ballot process is set up in favour of trying to gain a YES vote whilst disadvantaging voting businesses that don’t really want a BID. For “NO vs YES” campaigns it really is a “David vs Goliath” battle!

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Against BID
Central London BID Chief is a Convicted Fraudster

The Chief Operations Officer of The Fitzrovia Partnership Business Improvement District in the London Borough of Camden is a convicted fraudster. He commited this fraud whilst employed by the BID in 2010, found guilty in Court in 2011, and the BID and council has turned a blind eye to this day! How many other BID's have benefit cheats and fraudsters working for them, with BID Birectors and Councils turning a blind eye?

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Against BID
Even MP’s think BIDs should be replaced.

“We were attracted by the idea that BIDs should be replaced with community improvement districts.” House of Commons housing, communities and local government committee, 2019. This is recognition that BIDs are not fit for purpose and behind the times for current (and future) thinking for how town centres and high streets can thrive going forwards.

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Against BID