Why are Advancing Aberystwyth hiding staffing costs?


This had been raised previously on an end of year spend summary and it seems the same deception is being played out in the Business Plan.

In the image beloew ignore the figures in RED, and on reflection it appears that staffing is low at 20%, admittedly there is small print stating two part timers are paid for out of a separate pot as they are "event staff" but this does not state the cost, despite being known, and could so easily be included in one box Staff & Overheads.

This is a blatant attempt to make it appear staffing costs are low and as most of you would know with the visits you have had with said staff during their employment they are not solely "event staff" .

The true staffing costs in RED, not allowing for any increases, added to the Management costs, brings the total staffing to 27% of the total expenditure.

Advancing Aberystwyth is as transparent as a river in flood and they continue to deceive. All any of us want to see is the truth, if you hide something as simple as this, what else are you hiding ?

Advancing Aberystwyth will claim the "event staffing" is coming from Grants & Sponsorship but they should know that in BID Legislation ( something they claim they follow ) it is not allowed to be included as it is not guaranteed income, but more about this technicality another day.

So in summary, from a total "guaranteed" income of £800k, a total of £282k will be spent on "staffing", that accounts for 35% and there is the reason why staff costs are hidden !!

This leaves just over £100k to do all the things they claim they can do, fingers crossed the Ice Rink doesn't lose £40k next time round.

Against BID