Inaccurate Voters List


There is clear (and a lot of) evidence that The BID Task Force along with their partners in crime Harrogate Borough Council, haven't put together an accurate levy payer voters list - resulting in a corrupt BID ballot process.

This means:

- Denying votes to those businesses entitled to a vote.

- Allowing businesses to vote who shouldn't be voting.

What a mess!

Let's remember this is serious business, it's about whether to place a 5 year mandatory tax on all businesses, no laughing matter.

If a hereditament isn't in the voters list at Notice of Ballot then unfortunately they will not get a vote - been denied a vote by the organisers because of pure incompetence (or deliberate ballot rigging, take your choice).

But if a hereditament is in the voters list but addressed to the wrong person entitled to vote, then CES are able to send out new replacement papers to the person entitled to vote for their listed hereditament. Please encourage those persons to do this.

Also, Councillors understand the principles of democracy and the importance of holding fair elections, so make sure you are highlighting this undemocratic mess to your councillors. They need to be putting pressure on the 'powers at be' within Harrogate Borough Council to put matters right now!

This is such a massive concern, I really think it is the responsibility of the BID and Mo to have given the council a accurate list of voters.
In order to allow for a fair vote and Ballot surely the details need to be correct. I cannot believe the council / CES have allowed inaccurate papers to go out which could will result in many votes not being cast.
As far as I’m concerned if this does get in on underhand tactics and us genuine businesses feel like we have been cheated, then how are the BID task force going to build up a working relationship with us?

Source: Government Technical Guide for Local Authorities. There is no excuse to have an innacurate voters list.

Against BID